Week One
Session 1& 2 - What is Truth? Says Who?
Week Five
Session 8 & 11 - Am I Alone? Created to Create
Week Two
Session 3 & 4 - Who is Man? Who is God?
Week Six
Session 9 - Whose Law?
Del Tackett - "Focus on the Family -The Truth Project class".- Whose Law
Mr Tackett goes thru God's creation design, especially the Social Order. He will discuss in detail how Gods's design is under attack by he world not willing to acknowledge God's sovereignty.
In this class we take a close and careful look at how these spheres are interconnected and how they relate to other aspects of the social realm: family, church, labor, community, and the relationship between God and man. Special attention is given to the design, structure, and role of the state, its place in God’s plan for human society, and the rightful extent and limits of its power. The state, as we will see, has the capacity to exert a tremendous power for good in the affairs of mankind as long as it operates within its proper boundaries. But it also has the potential to become the most horrendously pathological and abusive of all the social spheres if not kept in check.
Week Three
Session 5 & 6 - What is True? Whose story?
Week Seven
Session 10 - The American Experiment
Week Four
Del Tackett - "Focus on the Family -The Truth Project class".- Devine Imprint
Mr Tackett goes thru God's creation design, especially the Social Order. He will discuss in detail how Gods's design is under attack by he world not willing to acknowledge God's sovereignty.
Now we turn south to consider some of the amazingly detailed reflections of God’s nature inherent in the social order. According to Dr. Tackett, the evidences of the divine imprint that we see in this realm are even more awe-inspiring and more indicative of the heart of the Creator than the marvels of DNA replication or the complexities of the blood-clotting system. But for this very reason they also stand closer to the focal point of the cosmic battle.
Week Eight
Session 12 - God Cares, Do I?